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Soutenance publique de thèse de doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie - Asseline SEL

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A Chronicle of England - Marriage of Henry V and Katherine of France

Crossing Boundaries in Henry V: Multilingualism, Cross-culturalism and Nation in History, Edition, Translation and Performance

Catégorie : défense de thèse
Date : 23/04/2024 15:00 - 23/04/2024 18:00
Lieu : Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, auditoire L12
Orateur(s) : Asseline SEL
Organisateur(s) : Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, département de Langues et littératures germaniques

Henry V is both Shakespeare’s most multilingual play, containing a substantial number of lines in French, and a play which is deemed particularly Francophobic. Testimony to England’s cosmopolitan and polyglot nature in the sixteenth century and to its complicated relationship with France, Henry V thus seems to stand as a paradox. But what did the play’s original audiences actually understand of its French material? What views did they hold of the French, and are those reflected in the play? How were multilingual scenes handled in later textual editions, or when the play crossed the Channel and reached France? How did French translators deal with perceived xenophobic stereotypes? Finally, how have modern directors and audiences responded to the play’s historical multilingualism, and how has its perceived xenophobia been staged on English and French stages?

This study addresses these questions by offering an overview of the reception of multilingualism and cross-cultural encounters in Henry V, through time, space, and media, focusing particularly on the issue of how multilingualism and its reception in Shakespeare’s play are influenced by beliefs about France and the French language, and by evolving relationships between England and France over time. In its five chapters, this thesis first offers a historical overview of the origins of multilingualism in Henry V and its pattern of reception in early modern England. It then analyses the reception of multilingualism and national images through a series of case studies of later critical editions, French translations, and performances on both sides of the Channel, from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries.

Les membres du jury sont :

Prof. Christophe FLAMENT (Président), UNamur
Prof. Dirk DELABASTITA (Promoteur, Secrétaire), UNamur
Prof. Guido LATRÉ (Co-promoteur), UCLouvain
Prof. Ton HOENSELAARS, University of Utrecht
Prof. Mylène LACROIX, Université de Lille
Prof. Paul PRESCOTT, University of Warwick

Vous êtes cordialement invités à assister à cette soutenance.

La proclamation sera suivie d’un drink à la Salle académique.


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