Accueil UNamur > Agenda > Zero Hour? Reconstructing post-war Belgian cinema

Zero Hour? Reconstructing post-war Belgian cinema

The symposium ‘Zero Hour?’ wants to bring together a multitude of perspectives – combining aesthetic, socio-economic as well as political approaches – to reflect on how Belgian film production and culture is constructed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s.

Catégorie : colloque/congrès
Date : 21/02/2024 09:00 - 22/02/2024 22:00
Lieu : FWO, Hoek 38, Chaussée de Louvain, Bruxelles
Organisateur(s) : Bénédicte Rochet (UNamur), Gertjan Willems (UAntwerp), Bjorn Gabriels (UAntwerp/UNamur)

Contact : Bénédicte Rochet -
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