Fifth Annual Meeting of the Namur Research Pole in Infectiology (NaRePI)
The Namur Research Pole in Infectiology (NaRePI) is pleased to announce its fifth meeting which will be held on Monday December 4th 2023 at the UNamur. A scientific meeting for all researchers active in the field of bacteriology and infectious disease research.
Date : 04/12/2023 09:30 - 04/12/2023 17:30
Lieu : UNamur - Quai 22
Organisateur(s) : NARILIS
A scientific meeting for all researchers active in the field of bacteriology and infectious disease research
This year, the meeting will focus on bacteriology research. The topics that will be addressed include molecular mechanisms of bacterial virulence and resistance, bacterial metabolism, microbial genomics, host-pathogen interactions, and host immune responses. The meeting will also discuss current challenges, such as the fight against antibiotic resistance and the development of new strategies to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of bacterial infections.
An exciting day in perspective with 3 invited lectures and 9 abstract-selected talks!
Invited speakers
Prof. Kimberly KLINE, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Magdalena SZCZESNA, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Dr. Liselot DEWACHTER, de Duve Institute, UCLouvain, Belgium
Programme & Registration

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