Accueil UNamur > Agenda > A methodological Framework to design Software Factories for Software Product Lines

A methodological Framework to design Software Factories for Software Product Lines

Défense de thèse de Maouaheb BELARBI

Catégorie : défense de thèse
Date : 26/09/2023 14:00 - 26/09/2023 16:00
Lieu : I02
Orateur(s) : Maouaheb BELARBI
Organisateur(s) : Isabelle Daelman

For the last ten years, Software Product Line (SPL) tool developers have been facing the implementation of different variability requirements and the support of SPL
engineering activities demanded by emergent domains. Despite several tools exist, few works resolve SPL process for both problem and solution space. In fact, nowadays
existing SPL tools are unfit to generate optimum configurations of products based on some criteria like Non-Functional Properties (NFPs). Hence, the lack of mature
tool support is one of the main reasons that make the industry to be reluctant to adopt SPL approaches. To partly solve these issues, SPL practitioners propose to
combine some of the tools or integrate them which is possible to carry out a simple SPL process but still in infancy when dealing with complex product lines.

Due to these reasons, the current thesis proposes a methodological framework that overcomes the limits of existing tools and holds all the phases and activities
from the requirement design till the product derivation. The Bespoke method gets together both MDE and SPL fields and aims to cover the overall product generation
strategies and to guide the engineer in deriving the final system applications. The aim of the method is to design a software factory and its interest consists in providing
a methodological accompaniment at each stage, documenting all the points of choice, and automating all the processes that are relevant. This thesis presents the architec-
ture of the proposed framework as well as the process performed from the domain modeling till obtaining the final product assets.

Keywords: Software Product Line, Software Engineering, Variability Management, Deriving products family, Implementation strategies, Implementation mechanisms, Software factory


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