Accueil UNamur > Agenda > GUI for Chip Description Database: XML editor

GUI for Chip Description Database: XML editor

Défense de mémoire de Quang Chu

Catégorie : mémoire
Date : 22/06/2022 15:30 - 22/06/2022 17:00
Lieu : Salle académique
Orateur(s) : Quang Chu
Organisateur(s) : Isabelle Daelman


The use of an application in general, such as a website or an application, is becoming more and more important these days. Indeed, these tools allow us to facilitate our daily life in various environments, such as work, which allows us to be more efficient and more productive. Manipulating XML files by hand containing hundreds or even thousands of lines and tags would be difficult without a graphical tool that would facilitate this work.

The aim is to build an XML editor in the form of a website that allows the user to manipulate the content of XML files without having to edit them by hand. In order to achieve this task, a learning of the business concepts, an analysis of the client’s needs and a first view of the interface in the form of a mockup were carried out. The development is mainly focused on the description of the functioning of the view, the internal documentation as well as the possible improvements that could be made.

Keywords: web development, editor, MCU, Scrum, Agile, mockup, tool, XML, SVD

Contact : Isabelle Daelman - 4966 -
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