Accueil UNamur > Agenda > Towards cognitive biases aware tools for improved code review: a user-centered approach

Towards cognitive biases aware tools for improved code review: a user-centered approach

Défense de mémoire de Tobias Jetzen

Catégorie : mémoire
Date : 21/06/2022 16:30 - 21/06/2022 18:00
Lieu : Salle Dijkstra
Orateur(s) : Tobias Jetzen
Organisateur(s) : Isabelle Daelman


Cognitive biases appear during code review. They significantly impact the creation of feedback and how the feedback is interpreted by the author. These biases can lead to illogical reasoning and decision making. However, code reviews rely heavily on accurate and objective code evaluation. This article explores harmful cases due to cognitive bias during code review, as well as potential solutions to avoid such cases or mitigate their effects. Therefore, we developed several prototypes covering confirmation bias and decision fatigue. They were developed by conducting usability tests and validated with a user experience questionnaire accompanied by participants' feedback about the developed techniques. It was shown that some techniques are well accepted to be used by reviewers and help preventing behavior that is detrimental to code review. This work provides a solid first approach to treat cognitive bias in code review.

Contact : Isabelle Daelman - 4966 -
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