Accueil UNamur > Agenda > Towards crash reproduction benchmark augmentation using mutation testing

Towards crash reproduction benchmark augmentation using mutation testing

Défense de mémoire de Monsieur Au Tek

Catégorie : mémoire
Date : 17/06/2022 09:00 - 17/06/2022 10:15
Lieu : Salle académique - Faculté d'informatique
Orateur(s) : Au Tek
Organisateur(s) : Benjamine Lurquin


Many applications are developed with a lot of di↵erent purposes and can provide quality output. Nevertheless, crashes still happen. Many techniques such as unit testing, peer-reviewing, or crash reproduction are being researched to improve quality by reducing crashes. This thesis contributes to the fast evolving field of research on crash reproduction tools. These tools seek better reproduction with minimum information as input while delivering correct outputs in various scenarios. Di↵erent approaches have previously been tested to gather input-output data, also called benchmarks, but they often take time and manual e↵ort to be usable. The research documented in this thesis endeavours to synthesize crashes using mutation testing to serve as input for crash reproduction tools.


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