Seminar by Dr. Peter Vancso
"Strongly correlated electronic ground state in rhombohedral graphite"
Date : 07/12/2021 11:00 - 07/12/2021 12:30
Lieu : Teams (Online)
Orateur(s) : DR. PETER VANCSO
Organisateur(s) : Prof. Luc HENRARD
Dr. Peter Vancso, Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, Budapest (Hungary)
(For externals: request Teams link from contact)
crystalline solids the interactions of charge and spin can result in a
rich variety of emergent quantum ground states. A prime example is
twisted bilayer graphene, where recent measurements have demonstrated
the presence of superconductivity, ferromagnetism, and Mott insulator
quantum states. The origin of these quantum states is related to the
enhanced correlation effects of the partially filled flat bands in the
system. Rhombohedral graphite (RG) is perhaps the simplest and
structurally most perfect condensed matter system to host a flat band,
which is also protected by the symmetry. In this seminar we will provide
detailed investigation of the flat band in RG by using low temperature
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) measurements combined with
electronic structure calculations [1]. We measured the flat surface band
of 8 and 10 layers of RG at various charge densities and find
correlated behavior up to a temperature of 20 K. At charge neutrality we
also identified a degenerate ground state, forming a competing domain
structure between a sublattice antiferromagnetic insulator and a
gapless, correlated paramagnet. Our density-matrix renormalization group
(DMRG) calculations explained this observation by revealing a
degenerate ground state of the system. Our work establishes RG as a new
platform to study many-body interactions beyond the mean-field approach
in a topological electron system. [1] I. Hagymási et al., Observation of
strongly correlated, degenerate ground states in the flat band of
rhombohedral graphite. Nature, under review (2021).
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