Unsupervised Concepts Extraction in Neural Networks
Défense de mémoire de Sacha Corbugy et Thibaut Septon
Date : 24/06/2021 10:30 - 24/06/2021 11:30
Lieu : A distance par teams
Orateur(s) : Sacha Corbugy et Thibaut Septon
Organisateur(s) : Isabelle Daelman
Recently, the domain of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) saw the advent of Testing with CAV (TCAV). Although very practical as they allow to check the importance of a concept in the decision making of a neural network, they pose the prerequisite of knowing the concept at stake and having a dedicated dataset.
In order to remedy this, a method is proposed to obtain an overview of the different concepts that are important in the decision making process of a neural network.
The idea beneath the proposed method is to compare and label the neural network instances based on their activation at a given layer inside the network itself.
Using two different kinds of neural network, an image classifier and a game agent, the method is tested to see if an unsupervised extraction of concepts is possible.
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Isabelle Daelman
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