Interdisciplinary Symposium on COVID-19
Four Belgian professional societies (Virology, Immunology, Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) have joined forces in the organization of a one-day, interdisciplinary symposium on COVID-19. The program will provide a comprehensive summary of contemporary knowledge on COVID-19.
Date : 24/06/2021 09:00 - 24/06/2021 17:00
Lieu : Virtual
The day will be structured into four consecutive sessions, each hosted by one society and featuring both a keynote lecture and two complementary presentations. There will be room for young scientists to present their work in short, pre-recorded talks. The closing lecture will be given by Prof. Stanley Perlman, one of the most prominent academic voices on Sars-CoV-2.
Info & Registration
The registration will be free of charge but mandatory. Deadline for registration: June 13, 2021
You can submit an abstract for a poster and/or oral presentation. Abstract submission closing date: May 25, 2021
The meeting is accredited for 4.5 hours of postgraduate training.
Organizing committee
Marta Romano, Sciensano
Bart Lambrecht, VIB-UGhent
Eveline Peeters, VUB
Olivier Denis, CHU UCL Namur
Herman Favoreel, UGent
Deborah De Geyter, UZ Brussels
Bénédicte Delaere, CHU UCL Namur
Peter Delputte, UAntwerpen
Benoît Muylkens, UNamur
Niels Hellings, UHasselt
Xavier Saelens, VIB-UGhent
Françoise Van Bambeke, UCLouvain
Pieter-Jan Ceyssens, Sciensano
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