Chaire Francqui 2021 - Leçon de clôture : Media Literacy for a Datafied Society. Opportunities, limits and ways forward.
La Faculté des Sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion a le plaisir d'accueillir le Professeur Léo Van Audenhove (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, SMIT) dans le cadre de la Chaire Francqui, au sein du Département des Sciences politiques, sociales et de la communication. La leçon de clôture sera accessible à tous via Teams.
Date : 04/05/2021 14:00 - 04/05/2021 16:00
Lieu : via Teams
Orateur(s) : Léo Van Audenhove (professeur de la VUB); Anne-Sophie Collard (professeur au dépt ScPo-InfoCommu).
Organisateur(s) : Anne-Sophie Collard; Dorothée Bertrand
Media literacy is by many governments seen as a possible solution to handle the growing problems caused by the digital age.
The individual user should be assisted to acquire the necessary skills and competences to function more autonomously in the digitalized society. This mission becomes more and more daunting as digitization and datafication processes penetrate all aspects of our social, economic and political lives.
This raises several questions :
- How do we integrate digitalization and datafication issues into the agenda of media literacy ?
- How do we move media literacy from small scale initiatives into a much more systemic approach ?
- How do we reach the vast amounts of adult users outside of formal education ?
- But above all, what are the limits of media literacy ? All too often media literacy covers up the reluctance of governments to regulate digitalization and datafication processes.
Contact :
Dorothée Bertrand
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