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DeFiPP Seminar

Financial Dollarization in Emerging Markets: Efficient Risk Sharing or Prescription for Disaster?

Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé)
Date : 21/01/2021 16:30 - 21/01/2021 18:00
Lieu : via TEAMS
Orateur(s) : Lawrence J. Christiano
Organisateur(s) : Romain Houssa


There is a common view that financial dollarization is a source of financial fragility for emerging market countries. Although we identify sources of fragility in some aspects of dollarization, the common view that financial dollarization is a source fragility is over stated. We find that deposit dollarization (and the currency mismatch that implies for non-financial firms) is not a source of fragility and may even be part of a welfare-raising insurance arrangement among different households within emerging markets. Our insurance view about financial dollarization and the lack of risks to financial stability emerges from a study of a large cross-country dataset. We develop a simple model which formalizes the insurance view, which is consistent with the key cross-country facts on interest rate differentials, deposit dollarization and exchange rate depreciations in recessions that we find in our dataset.


Contact : Romain Houssa - 081/724831 -
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