Webinaire - Hydropower plants on the routes of migrating fish / Poissons migrateurs et turbines hydroélectriques: le dilemme
Hydropower: Insights about turbine impacts and evaluation of some mitigation measures. Hydroélectricité: Quels sont les impacts des turbines sur les espèces migratrices et quelles mesures peuvent être mises en place pour limiter ces impacts tout en gardant la production d'énergie "verte".
Date : 13/11/2020 14:00 - 13/11/2020 15:30
Lieu : Online / en ligne
Orateur(s) : Imen Ben Ammar (ILEE-URBE/Life4Fish), Damien Sonny (Profish Technologies/Life4Fish)
Organisateur(s) : Imen Ben Ammar (ILEE-URBE/Life4Fish), Carolin Mayer (ILEE)
In the frame of the World Fish Migration Day 2020, Life4Fish and ILEE (UNamur) organise a webinar on
Hydro-power plants on the routes of migrating fish
Dams associated with hydroelectric power plants (HPP) disrupt river connectivity and affect fish movement and survival. Several studies determine the impact of HPP in terms of fish survival and damage. However, little information is available on their impact regarding the ability of fish to continue to migrate. The LIFE4FISH project aims at assessing this mid-term impact on fish migration and further evaluates in-situ the efficiency of some mitigation measures. First results will be presented in this webinar.
14h Introduction to the Life4Fish project
14h15 Imen Ben Ammar, UNamur, ILEE: Turbine's direct and delayed impacts on migrating Atlantic salmon smolts and adult European eels
14h45 Damien Sonny, Profish technologies: Characterization of the downstream migration of European silver eels by acoustic telemetry along 6 successive HPP dams in the River Meuse : global kinetics, passage repartition and result of mitigation measures.
Event here: https://ilee.unamur.be/events/life4fish-webinar
Register here: https://ilee.unamur.be/events-corner/register-fish
Contact :
Imen Ben Ammar
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