Accueil UNamur > Agenda > Séminaire - "Low pass-through and high spillovers in NOEM: what does help and what does not",par Grégory de Walque (National Bank of Belgium)

Séminaire - "Low pass-through and high spillovers in NOEM: what does help and what does not",par Grégory de Walque (National Bank of Belgium)

Seminar in Economics

Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé)
Date : 15/10/2019 16:00 - 15/10/2019 17:30
Lieu : Salle C. Joset
Organisateur(s) : Romain Houssa


This paper jointly analyses two major challenges of the canonical NOEM model: i) combining a relatively important exchange rate pass-through at the border with low pass-through at the consumer level, and ii) generating significant endogenous international business cycle synchronization. We show that introducing input trade for price-maker firms rehabilitate the model regarding the pass-through disconnect, while adding a distribution sector lacks flexibility to do so. Moreover, these two extensions of the canonical model mitigate the expenditure switching effect, with implications in terms of international synchronization


Contact : Romain Houssa -
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