Economics seminars - Ilan TOJEROW
"The Unexpected Consequences of Job Search Monitoring: Disability Instead of Employment?"
Date : 26/02/2019 16:00 - 26/02/2019 18:00
Lieu : Room Camille Joset (401), 4th floor
Orateur(s) : Ilan TOJEROW
Dear all,
You are cordially invited to the following seminar co-organized by CERPE, CRED and CEREFIM at the Department of Economics in Namur.
Hope to see
you all,
G. Cassan, R. Houssa and
B. Decerf
"The Unexpected Consequences of Job Search Monitoring: Disability Instead of Employment?"
Speaker: Ilan Tojerow
Date and time: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 4pm
Room 401, Rempart de la Vierge 8, Namur
This paper investigates how the implementation of Job Search Monitoring (JSM) programs over the last two decades could have impacted the rise of disability rates in OECD countries. To do so, we use an RDD design to study how a JSM program that was implemented in 2006 in Belgium could have played a role not only in the transition to employment and inactivity but also in the transition to disability. The RDD exploits the fact that the program was only targeted at long-term unemployed workers below the age of 50. Our results show that the JSM program has had a large impact on the transition rate from unemployment to disability and no impact on the transition rate to employment or inactivity. More precisely, individuals just below the age of 50 (the treatment group) are 1.43 percentage points (115%) more likely than individuals just above the age cut-off (the control group) to enter into disability during the next quarter. Looking at heterogeneous effects, we find that the effect is particularly important in the short-term, for women and in areas with higher local unemployment rates. Overall, our study shows that JSM programs can have spillover effects on other social security branches, such as work disability. This is an important concern since it implies that JSM programs can push some individuals even further away from the labour market. Finally, our results show that the implementation of JSM could, constitute a viable explanation for the rise of the disability rate amongst unemployed workers.
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