Accueil UNamur > Agenda > Out of sight, out of mind: Making vulnerable population visible at the age of the Anthropocene

Out of sight, out of mind: Making vulnerable population visible at the age of the Anthropocene

Dans le cadre des Midi de la Géographie, Marion Borderon (Université de Vienne, Autriche) présentera ses travaux de recherche sur la vulnérabilité des populations dites "invisibles" (séminaire en anglais)

Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé)
Date : 19/02/2019 12:45 - 19/02/2019 13:45
Lieu : B51
Orateur(s) : Marion Borderon (Université de Vienne, Autriche)
Organisateur(s) : Département de Géographie

In 2015, the United Nations set out an ambitious agenda – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the idea of achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. If the previous targets had focused on improving conditions on average, the 2030 Agenda stands up for inclusive development and leaving no one behind. In other words, the living conditions of those most regularly excluded from progress will have to be improved. Therefore, knowing more about these populations, understanding what their needs are, and how to meet them becomes critical. Though, the excluded from progress are often the least visible populations. How can we obtain information, disaggregated data and knowledge to let them count?

Contact : Sébastien Dujardin -
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