Table ronde internationale : Illuminating Biological Systems from a Network Perspective
International Interdisciplinary Round Table on Biological Networks: - Brain system - Metabolic network - Plant root system - Mycorrhizal system - Network science
Date : 08/09/2017 08:00 - 08/09/2017 19:00
Lieu : UNamur, Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, L32
Orateur(s) : Renaud Lambiotte (UNamur); Joanna Bouchat (UNamur); Xavier Draye (UCL); José-Miguel Barea (CSIC, Granada, Spain); Pedro C. Marijuán(CIBA, Zaragoza, Spain); Michel Weber (CPP, Brussels)
Organisateur(s) : Timoteo Carletti (UNamur); Roland Cazalis (UNamur); Ron Cottam (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Mireille Meert (UNamur); Véronique Orose (UNamur)
Understanding systems such as cells, brains, ecosystems, and economics requires not only knowledge of elementary systems components but also knowledge of the way in which these components interact and the emergent properties of their connections. Indeed, connectivity comes in many forms: molecular interactions, metabolic pathways, synaptic connections, web hyperlinks, etc. Along these lines, over the past decade the study of networks has rapidly expanded across a wide range of these systems, and is constantly improving the approach to their structure, behaviour and evolution.
An efficient approach to the organization of complex systems like the emblematic brain and plant root is a necessary first step to understanding their functions as an integrated one. In this paradigm, Olaf Sporns argues that “connectomics, or ‘network neuroscience’, will not only provide deep insights into how the human brain is organized but also allow us to ask new questions about how the brain structure gives rise to brain function’’.
Following the example of what is expected for the human connectome, the interdisciplinary approach aims to help these systems to examine and clarify each other's structure, dynamics and metadynamics. The format of the one-day round-table seeks to give full play to interdisciplinarity by maximizing interactivity between speakers and between the speakers and the audience.
Contact :
Mireille Meert; Véronique Orose
+ 32(0)81724119; + 32(0)81724165
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