Accueil UNamur > Agenda > Défense de thèse de doctorat en sciences biologiques : "Capnocytophaga canimorsus"

Défense de thèse de doctorat en sciences biologiques : "Capnocytophaga canimorsus"

C. canimorsus interferes with coagulation by proteolytic cleavage of human coagulation factor X

Catégorie : défense de thèse
Date : 12/08/2016 14:00 - 12/08/2016 16:00
Lieu : Auditoire M01, Place du Palais de Justice, 5000 Namur
Orateur(s) : Katrin HACK
Organisateur(s) : Guy CORNELIS

Thomas MICHIELS (UCL), Pierre BOGAERTS (UCL), Bernard CHATELAIN (UCL), Jean-Jacques LETESSON, président (UNamur), Jean-Michel DOGNE (UNamur), Guy CORNELIS, promoteur (UNamur)


This work is dedicated to exploring pathogenesis mechanisms of Capnocytophaga canimorsus, a Gram-negative bacterium, which is part of the canine oral microbiota and which causes dog bite related blood stream infections in humans. The main focus of this study is on the interaction of C. canimorsus with haemostasis. C. canimorsus infection is often associated with bleeding disorders, such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). We demonstrate that C. canimorsus expresses a type 7 dipeptidyl peptidase of the S46 serine protease family (CcDPP7), which cleaves the light and heavy chain of human coagulation factor X thereby mediating inhibition of haemostasis. CcDPP7 is active in vivo and we think it could contribute to aggravation of DIC induced haemorrhage. Moreover, since haemostasis is involved in the immune defence, we hypothesize that inhibition of coagulation could represent a mechanism of immune evasion for C. canimorsus.

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