Preventive Debugging: from Test to Repair and Back Again
Dans le cadre d’une Chaire Francqui internationale 2018-2019, la Faculté d'informatique de l'Université de Namur aura le plaisir de recevoir le Professeur Yves Le Traon. La leçon inaugurale, intitulée "Preventive Debugging: from Test to Repair and Back Again", se tiendra le lundi 19 novembre 2018 à 18h00.
Date : 19/11/2018 18:00 - 19/11/2018 19:30
Lieu : Auditoire I02
Orateur(s) : Yves Le Traon
Organisateur(s) : Isabelle Daelman
In this lecture, starting with the challenges Google faces when having to deal with the validation of millions of lines of ever evolving code, we will explain how the boundaries between software testing, debugging and program repair need to be removed to integrate these activities in a development and maintenance continuum (DevOps). We will introduce our research contributions on testing, automated patch generation and debugging and have a look at the challenges ahead.
INAUGURAL LECTURE Inaugural Lecture : Monday 19/11 – 18 :00-19 :30 – I02
SESSION 1 Fundamentals of Software testing, Why ? How ?: Monday 19/11 – 14:00-17:00 – I02
SESSION 2 Unit and Integration testing, debugging : Tuesday 20/11 – 9:00-12:00 – I02
SESSION 3 Advanced software testing : Tuesday 20/11 – 14:00-17:00 – I02
About the speaker:
Yves Le Traon is professor of Computer Science at University of Luxembourg, in the domain of software engineering, with a focus on software testing, and software security, and applications in the domains of mobile computing and data-intensive systems. He is head of the SerVal group (SEcurity, Reasoning and VALidation) of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) which is composed of around 30 researchers. Professor Le Traon received his engineering degree and his PhD in Computer Science at the “Institut National Polytechnique” in Grenoble, France, in 1997. From 1998 to 2004, he was an associate professor at the University of Rennes, in Brittany, France. He is the co-founder of the Triskell INRIA team, which focuses on innovating design, modeling and testing techniques, such as Model-driven Engineering. During this period, Professor Le Traon studied design for testability techniques, validation and diagnosis of object-oriented programs and component-based systems. From 2004 to 2006, he was an expert in Model-Driven Architecture and Validation in the EXA team (Requirements Engineering and Applications) at “France Télécom R&D”. In 2006, he became professor at Telecom Bretagne (Ecole Nationale des Télécommunications de Bretagne) and created a research group focusing on security testing and vulnerability detection.
His current focus is on automating and unifying the testing and debugging processes using software analysis techniques such as mutation testing, search-based testing, symbolic execution, fault localization and automatic bug fixing. He has been General Chair of major conferences in the domain, such as the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), ISSRE, and Program Chair of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). He serves at the editorial boards of several, internationally-known journals (STVR, SoSym, IEEE Transactions on Reliability) and is author of more than 160 publications in international peer-reviewed conferences and journals such as ISSTA, ICSE, TIFF, TIFS, TSE, PLDI and Usenix Security. Prof. Le Traon was the head of the CSC Research Unit (Dept. of Computer Science), for the period of 2013-2016 and is study director of the master in information security management (MSSI).
Contact :
Isabelle Daelman
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