What is going to happen with space debris in the near future?
Séminaire naXys
Date : 28/10/2014 13:00 - 28/10/2014 14:00
Lieu : E25 - Salle de conférence du département de mathématique
Orateur(s) : Daniel Casanova (Centro Universitario de la Defensa - Zaragoza (Spain) )
Organisateur(s) : Timoteo Carletti
Space debris are all man-made objects in orbit about the Earth that no
lorger serve a useful purpose. Since Sputnik in October 1957, more than
7205 satellites have been launched and about 200 satellites have
exploded, either accidentally or on purpose, and have provoked the
dramatic increase of space debris population. The question that needs to
be answered is what is going to happen with space debris in the near
future. In this talk, I will present the last research concerning the
models used to determine the orbit evolution of space debris, the new
methods to predict space debris collision assessment, and the novel idea
of the creation of a synthetic population of space debris.
Contact :
Timoteo Carletti
49 03
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