Accueil UNamur > Nouvelles > Chaire Francqui 2014-2015 - Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion

Chaire Francqui 2014-2015 - Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion

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Prof. Bram De Rock

Dans le cadre d'une Chaire Francqui au titre belge, la Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion de Namur accueille, dès le 2 avril prochain, le Professeur Bram De Rock, de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Bram De Rock is a full professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles and he also holds visiting positions at the KULeuven and the University College London. In 2006 he obtained a PhD in mathematics and in 2007 he defended a second PhD in economics. His PhD in economics focuses on the revealed preference characterization of collective househould consumption models. This question is still currently the basis of the main topics in his research agenda in which he studies the household decision process and its consequences for the intra-household allocation of the available resources.

Public presentation: “Intra-household decision making revealed’’.

The idea of this lecture will be to use the empirical results of some of my recent papers to illustrate what can be be learnt with respect to the intra-household decision making and individual well-being measures. He will therefore first provide a gentle introduction in non-unitary decision models and the attractiveness of revealed preference theory.

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Contact : Pierrette Noël - 081/724823 -
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