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Derniers événements annoncés

Les événements sont présentés par ordre chronologique dans l'agenda de l'université.

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Séminaire "Les noms de l'histoire - Jacques Rancière"

Date : 30/10/2020 14:00 - 30/10/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé) - Publié le 15/07/2020

Séminaire du projet ARC "Philosophie critique de l’à-venir : temporalité, imagination, utopie"

Défense de thèse de doctorat - sciences biologiques

Date : 02/09/2020 16:00 - 02/09/2020 19:00 - Catégorie : défense de thèse - Publié le 15/07/2020

Development of an innovative quantitative method for allergen detection in food using isotopic dilution mass spectrometry

Défense de thèse en sciences physiques

Date : 04/09/2020 14:00 - 04/09/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : défense de thèse - Publié le 10/07/2020

Catalyst nanomaterials for applications in hydrogen fuel cells: a new approach for the synthesis and surface functionalization by low-pressure plasmas

New TRANSUNIV PhD Trainings Coming this Autumn!

Date : 17/09/2020 09:00 - 17/09/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : formation - Publié le 10/07/2020

The TRANSUNIV transferable skills trainings aim to prepare PhD researchers transition to the job market after academia. These trainings are FREE for UNamur's PhD researchers and are in ENGLISH. They are held in the different partner universities (UCLouvain Fucam Mons, UGhent, UMONS, KUL Kulak, ULille). They are a great opportunity to meet PhDs from different disciplines, universities and regions !

3rd edition of the TRANSUNIV Interreg project "Innovation Brainstorm and Bootcamp" | Circular Economy

Date : 09/12/2020 09:00 - 11/12/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé) - Publié le 08/07/2020

The goal of this “Circular Bootcamp” is to set up concrete collaborations between universities, companies and public or private institutions in the region Flanders-Wallonia-France. The Circular Bootcamp takes place in 2 phases: the brainstorm in October and the actual bootcamp in December.

3rd edition of the TRANSUNIV Interreg project "Innovation Brainstorm and Bootcamp" | Circular Economy

Date : 26/10/2020 09:00 - 26/10/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé) - Publié le 08/07/2020

The goal of this “Circular Bootcamp” is to set up concrete collaborations between universities, companies and public or private institutions in the region Flanders-Wallonia-France. The Circular Bootcamp takes place in 2 phases: the brainstorm in October and the actual bootcamp in December.

Défense de thèse de doctorat - sciences chimiques

Date : 10/09/2020 16:00 - 10/09/2020 19:00 - Catégorie : défense de thèse - Publié le 08/07/2020

Analyse de l'activité étudiante lors de séances de laboratoire de chimie : vers une compréhension des raisonnements adoptés lors de l'écriture de résultats expérimentaux et de l'acquisition des techniques de dilution et de titrage colorimétrique

GreenWin | Green Chemistry & White Biotech MASTER SESSIONS

Date : 08/10/2020 09:00 - 08/10/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé) - Publié le 08/07/2020

The coronavirus crisis has seriously impacted our events and actions plan, preventing us from our usual crossborder freedom of movements. Nevertheless, at GreenWin, we have decided to adapt the format of our actions so that we can keep on carrying out our purposes. Instead of organizing 2 full days of face-to-face conferences, we are setting up a series of 4 'Master Sessions(*)', through an interactive teleconference tool.

GreenWin | Green Chemistry & White Biotech MASTER SESSIONS

Date : 29/10/2020 09:00 - 29/10/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé) - Publié le 08/07/2020

The coronavirus crisis has seriously impacted our events and actions plan, preventing us from our usual crossborder freedom of movements. Nevertheless, at GreenWin, we have decided to adapt the format of our actions so that we can keep on carrying out our purposes. Instead of organizing 2 full days of face-to-face conferences, we are setting up a series of 4 'Master Sessions(*)', through an interactive teleconference tool.

GreenWin | Green Chemistry & White Biotech MASTER SESSIONS

Date : 24/09/2020 09:00 - 24/09/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé) - Publié le 08/07/2020

The coronavirus crisis has seriously impacted our events and actions plan, preventing us from our usual crossborder freedom of movements. Nevertheless, at GreenWin, we have decided to adapt the format of our actions so that we can keep on carrying out our purposes. Instead of organizing 2 full days of face-to-face conferences, we are setting up a series of 4 'Master Sessions(*)', through an interactive teleconference tool.

GreenWin | Green Chemistry & White Biotech MASTER SESSIONS

Date : 10/09/2020 09:00 - 10/09/2020 17:00 - Catégorie : conférence/cours/séminaire (spécialisé) - Publié le 08/07/2020

The coronavirus crisis has seriously impacted our events and actions plan, preventing us from our usual crossborder freedom of movements. Nevertheless, at GreenWin, we have decided to adapt the format of our actions so that we can keep on carrying out our purposes. Instead of organizing 2 full days of face-to-face conferences, we are setting up a series of 4 'Master Sessions(*)', through an interactive teleconference tool.

Défense de thèse de doctorat - sciences biologiques

Date : 27/08/2020 16:00 - 27/08/2020 19:00 - Catégorie : défense de thèse - Publié le 02/07/2020

Study of the putative role of MPV17 in cancer cell proliferation